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Welcome to Polwenna Bay!

Polwenna Bay, the setting for my bestselling series – now published in Germany– was created when I was living in the Cayman Islands. When I realised that Little Caribbean Café was never going to see the light of day (even though it had a hot hero with a pet iguiana and a dastardly villain) I turned to Cornwall instead.

I started writing about Polwenna Bay to help me feel connected to home, even when I was far away. The characters and plots that came out of that process are still vivid for me, and writing about them still feels effortless. There is a warmth and ease about Polwenna where you ‘turn the first page a stranger and close the book as a friend.”

Polwenna Bay 's narrow lanes, lichen-covered rooftops, and towering harbour walls are characters in the novels and just as important as Granny Alice or the Pollards. The high cliffs on either side of the harbour, the dramatic ebb and flow of the tide, and the scent of saltwater in the air provide the perfect stage for the romance, mystery, and adventure that permeates this series.

Although Polwenna is an imaginary place, I blend some elements of Looe and Fowey into the village, as well as a large dollop of Polperro where I used to live. There are lots of places in the Polwenna Bay books that match locations in Polperro – maybe I should do a tour! The Cod Father, Ashley’s house Mariners, Seaspray, The Plump Seagull, Polwenna Manor, The PB Hotel, the church, The Ship Pub, the seafood shack, the village shop, Polwenna Priory - all these are based on places I know well. Lots of readers write to me to say that they have visited to village to find the locations. If you enjoy the books treat yourself to a weekend, or even a week, in the area. You may well end up falling in love with the place and staying. I did!



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