B is for...
In case you haven't noticed there's a B word about lately but luckily you won't find it here! There's plenty of other positive B words I can come up with and here's a few...
My first B is for Busy.
Where have the last few months gone? All I can say is that since October there have been a few things that have kept me very busy outside of my book work but now as we move from spring to summer the longer days have allowed me the extra time to catch up and now finally, on a quiet Sunday afternoon, I can take a moment to bring you up to date.
B is also for Boat.
Of course it hasn't been all work and no play. I have taken a few moments out to regroup and enjoy my surroundings. One my favourite ways to do this is on Bonnie my little boat. She's a great way to unwind and pop across the river.

I wore lots of layers that morning but it was a wonderful start to the day. Now thankfully it's a little warmer! I was busy during the warm weather last weekend and we had two rescues! The first was duckling separated from its parent. It was being chased by a swan and we put it back with its family. The second rescue was in almost the same spot on the river as the picture of me wrapped up in layers, so quite deep water, and we spotted a little dog running alone on the water's edge looking distressed. We managed to pick her up and with the help of the local harbour patrol were able to reunite her with her owner. Always wonderful to have tales with a happy ever after.

There's so many lovely things starting with B that it'll take me quite a while so I'll do my best to be brief but here's a few more.

Badminton and the British Horse Society.
You may recall, or know that from sales of young adult pony story Chances, I donate a portion of the royalties to the BHS Changing Lives through Horses programme that supports young people. To share a display stand at Badminton with titles from my equestrian heroes was a dream come true. For more information about Changing Lives just click on the image of me at Badminton or visit my Chance to Help page.

I've still got plenty of other B positives to talk about and one of these literally is a B+. Last week we popped along to the local NHS Blood Donor session to do our, well my OH's bit. I'm always humbled by so many incredible people coming along and giving up their time to help others who they'll probably never meet. I wanted to mention this here as it's such an amazing thing to do and if you are able then check out https://www.blood.co.uk/
Still lots more amazing things starting with B to mention and I'll use a bit of artistic licence with this next one but I'm sure you'll see why!
Bird Table and Big Duck!

Everyone meet Lennie.
He's been featuring on my social media lately.

He's a regular visitor at this time of the year and never fails to amuse.
He might even be the parent of the duckling rescued as he was pretty attentive when the little one was reunited with it's mum and the rest of the brood!
Big Duck wasn't the only large animal to join our herd recently - my 14.2 HH Arabian horse Kiki has new big buddy,
Big Horse
Jim, a 17.1 HH Irish Draught, is here for Kiki to play with and annoy! Now everyone knows I could go on about horses so I'll be careful not to. We're very lucky to have Jim on holiday with us in Cornwall thanks to his mum and dad and we've already been out to several fun rides as those who follow my social media will have seen. Jim has a famous mummy and to have him living with us is my own pony story come true. A HUGE thank you to his mum and dad.

I'll wrap up my B words here with this last last but very exciting item:

It hasn't been all boats, horses and ducks while I've been off air. I've also been immersed in my latest work, The Promise. It's another standalone novel and a BIG ONE! The research and planning alone for this book has been pretty intense and there will be more to follow in a dedicated blog post shortly but for now I have to sign off as I've got to get The Promise over to my editor who's been on standby the last week. If you look carefully at the picture of the little dog that was rescued it's my lovely editor holding onto little Maisy.
Last B until my next post.
Brightest wishes,