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Skool's out for Summer!

A leaving gift from some of my students

Well, it almost is and there will be many happy faces when the bell rings on the last day of term - from both teachers and pupils! On this matter you can trust me because I've been there. Pupils and teachers will have all been working really hard to get to this point and for some pupils it marks the next step toward adulthood as they venture into further education or start a new job.

For the teachers it's often met with mixed feelings as you say goodbye to the young people you've got to know through the terms but blink and you'll be showing the next intake where the library is or worse the nurse! Having taught for over twenty years in schools from inner London, Cornwall, Devon, to the Caribbean, both in the state and public sectors, I've been really lucky to work with many great colleagues but the highest (and at times, but not too often, the occasional low) points in my career in education have come from the young people I've taught. I know my colleagues will agree with me here. No day is ever the same in teaching and as any teacher will tell you the decision to go into education as a career isn't driven by the huge salary (joke!) and summer holiday but from a passion for the job and chance to help young people discover the opportunities that lie in front of them, develop their own strengths and grow as individuals.

During my twenty plus years in education I've held many positions and worn many hats as part of my job, mainly as a teacher of English and then latterly as Head of Media as the digital age made its way into education. Alongside these positions I've been involved with pastoral care as Head of Year and worked with the safeguarding and child protection teams so my teaching days were never quiet. How I ever found time to write during this I'll never know but as I became busier with my writing I opted to step back my teaching initially to part-time then in 2015 I left the classroom altogether to write full time. Officially being an author is amazing! As you can see from all the titles I have written since writing full time I really love my new job but compared to a morning where I'm greeted by 25 or more eager faces ready to get to work it can be a lonely occupation when it's just me and cat!

Ruth Saberton school visit

Some of you may have seen the note on my 'Chance to help' page that I'm still involved in education through my school and college visits where I run creative writing workshops or give talks on my experiences as an author/publishing. Among my school and college visits this year I had the pleasure to return to Bodmin College where I taught for over a decade!

Ruth Saberton at Bodmin College

I really do enjoy these visits so if you have an idea for a creative writing project at your school / college or if you would like to arrange an author to your establishment please feel free to get in touch. You can use the contact form or drop me a note

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