Islands and Horses

Island Life (copy from News) Posted by: RuthSaberton at 21:52, February 9 2017.
Hi everyone!
Since setting up the site there have been so many things happening nationally, globally and closer to home with my writing too that it’s taken a little while to put together the post below but now I’m finally here I’ll do my best to keep you in the loop with my shenanigans – sorry writing updates – my web admin will tell me off if I don’t take it seriously!
2016 saw me release CHANCES my young adult pony story aimed at 12 years old and up. To see this bppk with a best seller tag next to it on Amazon was literally a dream come true. All I need to do now is to do is find a gap in the fabric of space and time to travel back and tell 12 year old me that I am a bestselling pony book author! CHANCES has been grazing in the folders of my computer for long enough. In 2010 I wanted to write this book and even pitched it to Penguin but my other writing and teaching commitments had to take priority. Now CHANCES is published just like my little horse Kiki it can do some work too. I'm also really pleased to let you all know that CHANCES is helping to support charities that work with young people through equestrian and practical means. My first chosen charity to donate a percentage of the profits to is FARMS FOR CITY CHILDREN a great organisation doing amazing work. Some of you may be familiar with this charity because its founder is MICHAEL MORPURGO the author of the incredible book that later became a box office hit film and also through animatronics and amazing actors and animators made it onto the stage as WAR HORSE. I am hoping to support two more charities through CHANCES and once these are official I'll be popping the information on here and my social media so that you can check them out and the wonderful work they do. Christmas and New Year where did that go... It seems like five minutes ago I was picking out my Christmas tree now I'm looking around the garden at everything literally springing up through the ground with the mild weather now that Storm Doris has stopped battering the harbour. A lot of this time was spent putting the finishing touches to my big summer read THE ISLAND LEGACY. It's out now and available in ebook and paperback editions and thank you to everyone that has enjoyed it so far and been so kind to leave me a review. Living on this stunning part of the Cornish coast I never have to go far for inspiration. Sitting quietly in our boat watching the seals basking on the rocks off the back of Looe Island, or St Georges as some may know it, didn’t take me long to imagine what it would be like if one day you received an email or letter saying the you’d inherited an island! Goodbye Ruth and hello Ness Penwellyn, my latest heroine and owner of St Pirran - a fictional Cornish Island crowned by a crumbling castle. Loving this story and its location I could go on and I’m sure those that have read it would understand and forgive me but I’ll let those that haven’t visited St Pirran make their own way to the island but watch out! There are lots of dangers to negotiate from jagged and slippery rocks, quick tides with swirling currents and even falling masonry but perhaps the greatest peril comes from somewhere closer to home and isn’t as easy to spot, especially when it’s wearing a pair of designer jeans with a designer property portfolio and bank balance to match!
Now that THE ISLAND LEGACY is released I have been able to take a little break and I’ve taken a copy of THE ISLAND LEGACY westward to another of the locations that helped inspire me, the simply spell binding ST MICHAEL’S MOUNT part of the ST AUBYN ESTATE. I had great fun on the beach taking a few pictures of the book and I was so lucky to meet and play ball with Tilly the Red Setter. I don’t know who was more excited, her or me but it was a really special morning and helped to take my mind off the BBC RADIO Cornwall interview later that day with Debbie McRory. If you didn’t catch the interview you can hear it hear by following my YouTube link below. Naomi Kennedy was standing in for Debbie and was a lot fun to be interviewed by her.
Thanks for popping over to this part of my site and I look forward to seeing you all here very soon for the next instalment in 2017.
Brightest wishes
Ruth x