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Christmas in September

Christmas In September Posted by: RuthSaberton at 13:27, September 25 2017.

It's almost the end of September and I'm wondering where the summer went. A lot of it was spent with friends and family visiting us in Cornwall and an awful lot vanished sitting at my laptop working on my next novel. This one's out in November and as I write my editor is probably tearing her hair out as she pulls it together! It's a big read set over a century and I'm so excited about it. It's inspired by beautiful Talland Bay, between Looe and Polperro, and encompasses the landscape and the places I know and love so well. More about this novel later when I have a cover to reveal!

In the mean time it's been all about settling down to autumn now that the nights are drawing in. I love this time of year and it's been beautiful here in Cornwall with the harvest being gathered in and the fields having a buzz cut. As a horse rider this means lots of wonderful gallops around stubble fields for me and Kiki and we've also been lucky enough to travel to Gloucestershire for the Badminton Fun Ride. Like Amber in CHANCES it's always been my dream to be a three-day eventer and to ride my own horse around the beautiful Badminton Estate was incredible. The jumps were inviting, the organisation was fantastic and we had a brilliant time. Having seen the size of the 4* course from horseback I don't honestly think I would ever have the nerve to ride at them but I was thrilled with the smaller versions we did and it's all great material for CHANCES 2 (next year!).

Speaking of CHANCES, the book continues to donate to charity. It supports groups that works with young people like Amber. If anyone is looking for equine work with a charity Sirona are currently advertising a post and they have a crowdfunding to raise money for their new facilities at Dartington Hall. Please spread the word. It's lovely to know that the pony story I dreamed of writing when I was at school is out there and making a difference.

I've ordered the logs for the winter, the chimney's been swept and the blackberries and elderberries have been picked. Autumn's my favourite time of the year and I love the fires, making soups and cosy nights. I've launched my Christmas book, THE SEASON FOR SECOND CHANCES, this month so that it can be enjoyed as the evenings draw in. The story was inspired by my friend Kathy and her beautiful house on Bodmin Moor. I loved writing it and I really hope it transports you all to magical Cornwall this Christmas.

There's a lot going on at home at the moment - more of that next time - and it's all very exciting and will definitely appear in a book very soon. In the meantime it's back to work with editing and planning my next Polwenna Bay novel. I can't believe I'm up to #6 already! I can't wait to catch up with the Tremaine family and all their friends. This book is bad boy Zak's story and it's going to be so much fun to write.

I had better get back to work.

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