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The Power of the Press

18th February Posted by: RuthSaberton at 00:45, March 30 2017.

February 18 2017 The Power of the Press Posted by: RuthSaberton at 23:32

How do I top last week? It would be a tough one. I was thrilled to be featured in the local media - BBC radio and papers both print and digital editions. It was absolutely brilliant and thank you to all agencies. The press especially in the case of my pony story CHANCES have proved exactly why the spreading of news is so important. Some of you may know that I’ve been planning CHANCES for approximately 25 years (and I’m not kidding) so when my career as an author really started to develop writing my dream pony book was one of the first projects researched and then pitched. Thank you to everyone who helped - from the focus groups of my students who provided such insight into YA fiction all the way to the amazing Mary King who was so kind to see and talk to myself and the school’s show-jumping team. I can still picture us all listening to her and in complete awe of one of the top eventers in the world. Anyway, teaching and my other commercial writing commitments meant that despite my agent pitching it and a meeting with Penguin I didn’t get to write my dream story. Sad yes, but I was still writing and enjoying teaching so CHANCES had to stay in the paddock for a little longer.

As you’ll see further down my blog through the sales of CHANCES I’m using part of the proceeds to support MICHAEL MORPUGO and his FARMS FOR CITY CHILDREN project. Now thanks to the absolutely brilliant article in the WESTERN MORNING NEWS and PLYMOUTH HERALD I’ve been contacted by a local group providing exactly the type of support that CHANCES fits so well. SIRONA THERAPEUTIC HORSEMANSHIP in Newton Abbot, Devon is an amazing association which I will be supporting through CHANCES. Some of you may have also seen on my social media feed around early December 2016 I was saying that THE EMILE FAURIE FOUNDATION was the type of charity that I was hoping to support with CHANCES and I am absolutely delighted that THE EMILE FAURIE FOUNDATION will also be benefitting from the proceeds of the CHANCES sales. Those of you that know me will know that I would love to help all groups but I’m reined in to a maximum of 4 so I’m hoping to have the last charity confirm very soon. Please have a look at these amazing groups. I only wish I’d known about them sooner. In case you’re wondering about my choices? My reason for four charities is to have two local and two national so that everyone can help spread the word at all levels.

I was lucky enough to travel through the USA on my way home from working in the Cayman Islands and I passed through California on my way to Montana. Those familiar with California will know I5 but if I’d turned North instead of South I’d have been able to visit Humanity for Horses. 300+ acres of rescue horses and many other animals. I didn’t make to H4H but just reading the stories of some of the animals they’ve helped is both heart breaking and incredible and I’m hoping that in time I’ll be able to send a donation from CHANCES sales in the US.

Not forgetting THE ISLAND LEGACY in all the CHANCES excitement! I’ve received some wonderful reviews, thank you, and looking at Looe Island this morning I was waiting for the tide to go out so I could cross the causeway to have a cup of tea at Lucy’s tea room! Hold on. Are fiction and reality colliding? And where’s Max? ; )

Right. The end of another busy but fun week. It must be time for bed but before I do, thank you again for everyone’s encouragement with CHANCES and THE ISLAND LEGACY but most importantly thank you for helping me support these groups. They’ve been quietly doing such amazing work for decades and have helped countless thousands of young people. Now the main stream media are picking up on these great charities hopefully they’ll get a bit more support. THE EMILE FAURIE FOUNDATION is being featured on CBBC with one of the young people he has helped on Wednesday 22nd Feb.. EMILE FAURIE CBBC MY LIFE


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