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Poldark and The Guardian

February 10 2017.

Move over Ross Poldark (Cornwall Guardian Article) Posted by: RuthSaberton at 22:44,

Dreams really did come true this morning.

Waking up to find that the online edition of the Cornish Guardian, Cornwalllive, had written a great article about THE ISLAND LEGACY dubbing my latest heroine’s nemesis, the devilishly handsome Max Reynard, the new Ross Poldark. With Captain Ross now being played by the equally handsome Aiden Turner this really was a dream come true. Max has certainly been a hit with my readers but don’t forget the kindness and inner strength of the novel’s other hero - Adam the stone mason. Adam’s got his own group of fans building fast judging by the comments I’m getting. Ladies! You know who you are!

A great article but it does set the bar pretty high! Fortunately the reviews and comments I’ve received from readers are showing that Max and Adam in THE ISLAND LEGACY are both proving quite a hit with readers. Max and Adam better behave though as it didn’t take long for Captain Ross Poldark to fall out favor with his fans after letting Demelza down unforgivably! A great piece about THE ISLAND LEGACY thank you Cornish Guardian.

In a world where we’re hearing terms like ‘Fake News’ and ‘Alternate Facts’ (worryingly) I’m delighted to say that the above is 100% true. In fact, the only part of the article that is ever so slightly off the mark is where it says ‘and’ instead of ‘of’ regarding the R&J Book Club. The Cornish Guardian are spot on compared to the Daily Mail and other press articles saying that I door-stepped Richard Madeley with a manuscript practically blocking his front door. Those of you who know me know the truth regarding how my manuscript crossed Richard’s path and I will always be grateful for his support with KATY CARTER WANTS A HERO. I am obviously thrilled that the reviewer saw a likeness between Max and Ross. I hadn’t seen the likenesses myself even though I’d been living with Max and getting to know him for months (inside my head, at least!) and I know Max a little better than most and once you get to know him he’s not all bad. Hopefully he won’t do to Ness what is now fast becoming known as ‘a Ross lapse’ or he won’t be getting any more fan mail!

This lovely article and the BBC Radio Cornwall interview on Wednesday with Naomi Kennedy has made this week a brilliant opener for THE ISLAND LEGACY. Even though it’s been a very soft launch I am thrilled. Thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to message me about THE ISLAND LEGACY and those that have posted reviews on AMAZON and the review sites. These really do help and are like gold dust.

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